Jan 16, 2025  
SFCC Catalog 2024-2025 
SFCC Catalog 2024-2025

Program Maps and Academic Pathways



Program Maps

Semester-by-semester program maps are available to guide students as they work toward their goals. These maps show the most efficient way for students to complete each degree and certificate plan. Students can access and print these maps from links in each degree and certificate plan in this catalog. Students should use program maps in collaboration with their advisors.

Academic and Career Pathways

SFCC divides all degrees and certificates into seven academic pathways:

  • Arts and Communication
  • Business
  • Health Sciences
  • Science and Engineering
  • Law and Social Sciences   
  • Teacher Education
  • Trades and Sustainability

Each pathway features a group of exploratory courses that apply to many of the degrees and certificates in the pathway. Exploratory courses are good options for students interested in a pathway but unsure of their specific major. Information about each pathway is given below.

Students should work with their advisor and use SFCC’s Career Coach platform to help choose the best major or pathway.

Arts and Communication

This pathway is for students who enjoy expressing themselves and communicating with others through words and visuals. Students who are interested in languages and in developing skills as artists, designers, and writers will be drawn to this pathway. It is for people interested in careers in arts, film, media arts, or creative writing.

This pathway leads to these Associate of Arts and Associate of Applied Arts degrees:

The pathway also includes certificates in these areas:

Math and Communication Requirements 
Math requirements for all degrees in this pathway are fulfilled by MATH 1130 Survey of Mathematics or a higher numbered MATH course. There are no specialized communications requirements for this pathway. 

Exploratory Courses 
Students can take courses from the list below to learn more about the skills they can develop and the projects they will complete in this pathway. 

Course Major Requirement or Option for:
ARTH 2110   Fine Arts, Arts and Design, Media Arts (AA) and other degrees as General Education
ARTS 1220   Fine Arts, Arts and Design, Photography (AAA)
ARTS 1250L   Fine Arts, Arts and Design, and other degrees as General Education 
ARTS 1410   Fine Arts, Photography (AA), Photography (AAA)
ARTS 1610   Fine Arts, Arts and Design, and other degrees as General Education
ENGL 1320   English-Creative Writing 
FDMA 1210   Fine Arts, Film (AA)
FDMA 2110   Fine Arts, Film (AA), Film (AAS), Photography (AA), Photography (AAA)
FDMA 1260   Media Arts (AA), Media Arts (AAS), Fine Arts 
FDMA 1515   Fine Arts, Media Arts (AA), Media Arts (AAS), Photography (AA), Photography (AAA)
HIST 1150   All degrees as General Education 
HUMN 1110   All degrees as General Education
SIGN 1130   American Sign Language (AA)
SPAN 1110   Spanish Language and other degrees as General Education
SPAN 1120   Spanish Language and other degrees as General Education


The First Semesters 
Students who are undecided but interested in the degrees in this pathway can follow the plan below for their first semester or two. As soon as students choose a specific major, they should meet with their advisor and start following the program map for their specific degree or certificate plan.  

Semester 1 

Course Credits
ENGL 1110 or prerequisite course 3-4 
MATH 1130 or prerequisite course 1-5
Social/Behavioral Science, or Humanities
Exploratory course 1-4 
Exploratory Course 1-4
Total 12-18

Semester 2    

Course  Credits
ENGL 1120, 2210, 1210, or COMM or prerequisite course  3
Exploratory Course or prerequisite course  3-4
Laboratory Science
Humanities & Fine Arts or Social/Behavioral Sciences 
Exploratory Course 3-4 
Total 16-17



This pathway is for students who enjoy watching stock prices, problem-solving, and money managing and who are considering careers in finance, ranging from financial advising to auditing, investment banking to accounting. Students who are as independent as they come and who love to collaborate and lead a team might want to study to be an entrepreneur, small business owner, or manager. This pathway is for students who are interested in a career in business, including accounting, and culinary.

This pathway leads to these Associate of Arts and Associate of Applied Science degrees:

The pathway also includes these certificates:

Math and Communication Requirements
Accounting and Business Administration AA degrees require MATH 1220 College Algebra or higher. Culinary Arts AAS and Business Administration AAS require MATH 1130 Survey of Mathematics. Students should plan their courses so that they can complete the correct math requirements in a timely manner. There are no specialized communications requirements for this pathway.

Exploratory Courses
Students can take courses from the list below to learn more about the skills they can develop and the projects they will complete in this pathway. 

Course Major Requirement or Option for:
ACCT 2110   Accounting, Business Administration (AA), Business Administration (AAS)
ENTR 1110   Business Administration (AAS), Entrepreneurship (Certificate)
MGMT 2110   Accounting, Business Administration (AA), Business Administration (AAS)
BLAW 2110   Accounting, Business Administration (AA), Business Administration (AAS)
BUSA 2460   Accounting, Business Administration (AA/AAS)
CULA 115   Culinary Arts
CULA 151   Culinary Arts
ECON 2110   Accounting, Business Administration (AA), Business Administration (AAS)
ECON 2120   Accounting, Business Administration (AA), Business Administration (AAS)
BCIS 1110   Accounting, Business Administration (AA), Business Administration (AAS)
BUSA 1110   Business Administration (AAS)


The First Semesters
Students who are undecided but interested in the degrees in this pathway can follow the plan below for their first semester or two. As soon as students choose a specific major, they should meet with their advisor and start following the program map for their specific degree or certificate plan.  

Semester 1

Course Credits
ENGL 1110 or prerequisite course 3-4
MATH 1220, 1350 or prerequisite course 2-6
Humanities, Creative and Fine Arts, or Social/Behavioral Science 3
Exploratory course 3-4
Exploratory course 3-4
Total 12-22

Semester 2  

Course Credits
ENGL 2210, 2110, COMM 1130 or COMM 2140 3
Exploratory course or prerequisite course 3-4
Laboratory Science 4
Humanities, Creative and Fine Arts, or Social/Behavioral Science 3
Exploratory Course 3-4
Total 16-18


Health Sciences

This pathway is for students who are interested in how the human body works and who want to help others stay healthy and recover from illness or injury. This pathway leads to careers ranging from community health workers to massage therapists to nurses. It includes careers students can start after a semester of study and those that require a two-year degree.  

This pathway leads to these Associate of Applied Science degrees:

The pathway also includes these certificates:

Students interested in health sciences should start by considering if they are interested in a degree program or a certificate and work closely with their academic advisor. Most degree programs and some certificates require students to complete prerequisite courses and apply for admission to the program. Consulting with a health sciences advisor helps students to navigate these prerequisites and applications smoothly. Most of these programs also require fingerprinting, background checks, and vaccinations.

Math and Communication Requirements for Health Degree Programs

Allied Health, Dental Health, Exercise Science, Medical Assisting, and Respiratory Care require MATH 1130 or higher. Paramedicine and Nursing require MATH 1220 or 1350. Students should plan their courses so that they can complete the correct math requirements in a timely manner. Nursing requires ENGL 1110 Composition I and ENGL 1120 Composition II. ENGL 1210 Technical Communications is accepted as an option in the AAS Dental Assisting.

Exploratory Courses for Health Degree Programs
Students can take courses from the list below to learn more about the skills they can develop and the projects they will complete in degree programs in this pathway. 

Course  Major Requirement, Prerequisite, or Option for 
AHAC 151  immediately prior to program  All programs 
BCIS 1110   Allied Health (AAS), Dental Health (AAS)
BIOL 1130 , BIOL 1130L   Allied Health (AAS), Exercise Science (AAS), Medical Assisting (AAS)
BIOL 1140 , BIOL 1140L   Allied Health (AAS), Dental Health (AAS), Paramedicine (AAS), prerequisite for Nursing (AAS) and Respiratory Care (AAS)
CHEM 1120 , CHEM 1120L   Allied Health (AAS), Dental Health (AAS), prerequisite for Nursing (AAS), Respiratory Care (AAS)
HLCR 111   Allied Health (AAS), Healthcare exploration 
HLCR 113   Allied Health (AAS), Medical Assisting (AAS), Medical Assisting (Certificate), prerequisite for Dental Health (AAS) 
HLCR 115 , HLCR 116   Community Health Worker (Certificate), Allied Health (AAS), Medical Assisting (AAS), Healthcare exploration 
HLCR 118   Home Health Aide (Certificate), Allied Health (AAS), Healthcare exploration 
HLCR 125   Nursing Assistant (Certificate), Medical Assisting (AAS), Allied Health (AAS), Healthcare exploration 
HLCR 126   Home Health Aide (Certificate), Allied Health (AAS), Healthcare exploration 
HLED 1110   Exercise Science (AAS), Massage Therapy (AAS), Healthcare exploration 
HLED 1130 , HLED 1225 , HLED 1160   Exercise Science (AAS)
NUTR 2110   Nursing, Allied Health (AAS), Exercise Science (AAS), Massage Therapy (AAS)
PSYC 1110   Allied Health (AAS), Dental Health (AAS), Medical Assisting(AAS), Nursing (AAS), Respiratory Care (AAS)


The First Semesters
Students who are undecided but interested in the degrees in this pathway can follow the plan below for their first semester or two. As soon as students choose a specific major, they should meet with their advisor and start following the program map for their specific degree plan.  

Semester 1

Course Credits
ENGL 1110 or prerequisite course 3-4
MATH 1130, 1220, 1350 or prerequisite course 2-4
BIOL 1140/1140L or BIOL 1130/1130L 4
CHEM 1120/1120L (Prerequisite for BIOL 2210/2210L) 4
Total 13-16

Semester 2

Course Credits
ENGL 1120, 2210, or, COMM 3
BIOL 2210/2210L 4
PSYC 1110 3
MATH 1130, 1220, 1350 or prerequisite or Exploratory Course 3-4
Exploratory Course 3-4
Total 16-18


Exploratory Courses for Health Certificate Programs
Students can start most healthcare certificate programs with a few prerequisites. Some programs may require an application. Most of these programs also require fingerprinting, background checks, and vaccinations.

Course or Certificate Semesters, credit hours, prerequisites, and other information:
AHAC 151 : BLS for Health Care Providers Required for most healthcare programs
HLCR 111 : Introduction to Health Careers Health career exploration
Community Health Worker, Certificate   Two-semester certificate; 10 credits; no prerequisites
Dental Assisting, Certificate   Three-semester certificate; 39 credits; prerequisite: current BLS-CPR Certificate
Paramedicine, Certificate   Three-semester certificate; 49 credits; requires EMT-Basic NM License and admission is by application
Emergency Medical Technician - Basic Certificate   One-semester certificate; 12.5 credits
Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate Certificate   One-semester certificate; 13 credits, requires an EMT-Basic NM License
Home Health Aide, Certificate   One-semester certificate; 5.5 credits; no prerequisites
Massage Therapy Certificate   One-semester certificate; no prerequisites
Medical Assisting Certificate   Three-semester certificate; 32.5 credits; prerequisites: BCIS 1110, ENGL 1110, HLCR 113, MATH 102 or equivalent placement
Nursing Assistant Certificate   One-semester certificate; 6.5 credits; no prerequisites
Nutrition Certificate   Two-semester certificate; 22 credits
Practical Nursing, Certificate   Five-semester certificate dual credit certificate; 38 credits
Phlebotomy, Certificate   One-semester certificate; 11.5 credits; prerequisite: HLCR 113; application required


Law and Social Sciences

This pathway is for students who like working with people and helping them solve their life-problems. Whether through the criminal justice system, a human services career, law work as a paralegal, or in the field of psychology, students who want to make a difference in peoples’ lives are drawn to this pathway.

This pathway leads to these Associate of Science and Associate of Applied Science degrees:

The pathway also includes these certificates:

Math and Communication Requirements
Math requirements for all degrees in this pathway are fulfilled by MATH 1130 Survey of Mathematics or a higher numbered MATH course (except MATH 1215). There are no specialized communications requirements for this pathway.

Exploratory Courses
Students can take courses from the list below to learn more about the skills they can develop and the projects they will complete in this pathway. 

Course Major Requirement or Option for
CJUS 1110   Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Police Supervision (Cert.), Criminal Investigation (Cert.), Paralegal Studies (AAS), Human Services (AA), Psychology (AA)
CJUS 1130   Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Criminal Investigation (Cert.), Paralegal Studies (AAS), Human Services (AA), Psychology (AA)
CJUS 1120   Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Police Supervision (Cert.), Paralegal Studies (AAS), Human Services (AA), Psychology (AA)
HMSV 1140   Human Services (AA), Traumatic Stress Aide (Cert.), Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Paralegal Studies (AAS), Psychology (AA)
HMSV 1110   Human Services (AA), Traumatic Stress Aide (Cert.), Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Paralegal Studies (AAS), Psychology (AA)
LEGL 111   Paralegal Studies (AAS), Law Office Admin Assist (Cert.), Legal Secretary (Cert.), Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Human Services (AA), Psychology (AA)
LEGL 121   Paralegal Studies (AAS), Legal Secretary (Cert.), Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Human Services (AA), Psychology (AA)
PSYC 1110   Psychology (AA), Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Human Services (AA), Paralegal Studies (AAS)
PSYC 1160   Psychology (AA), Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Human Services (AA), Paralegal Studies (AAS), Traumatic Stress Aide (Cert.)
SOCI 1110   Human Services (AA), Criminal Justice (AA, AAS), Paralegal Studies (AAS), Psychology (AA)


The First Semesters
Students who are undecided but interested in the degrees in this pathway can follow the plan below for their first semester or two. As soon as students choose a specific major, they should meet with their advisor and start following the program map for their specific degree or certificate plan.  

Semester 1

Course Credits
ENGL 1110 or 1210, or prerequisite course 3
MATH 1130 or prerequisite course 3-4
Social/Behavioral Science, or Humanities course 1-4
Exploratory course 3-4
Exploratory course 3-4
Total 13-18

Semester 2  

Course Credits
ENGL 1120, 2210, 1210, or COMM or prerequisite course 3
Exploratory course 3-4
Laboratory Science course 4
Humanities & Fine Arts or Social/Behavioral Sciences course 3
Exploratory course 3-4
Total 16-18

Science and Engineering

This pathway is for students who like to be engaged in solving real-world problems, which can be explored through math, science, computing, and engineering. Through minds-on challenges, students will strengthen critical thinking, enjoy creativity, and develop hands-on skills, while applying math and science theoretical concepts.

This pathway leads to these Associate of Science and Associate of Applied Science degrees:

This pathway also includes these certificates:

Math and Communication Requirements
All degrees in this pathway require at least MATH 1220 College Algebra, most require MATH 1250 Precalculus, and several require MATH 1430 Applications of Calculus I, or MATH 1510 Calculus I and MATH 1520 Calculus II. Students interested in this pathway should prepare for the placement exam to ensure the highest possible placement in mathematics and prioritize completing math courses as soon as possible.

General Engineering and Engineering Technology (AS) requires ENGL 2210 Technical and Professional Communication. Technical writing skills are useful for graduates in all the degrees in this pathway. Students should consider taking ENGL 2210 which is an option for all degrees in this pathway.

Exploratory Courses
Students can take courses from the list below to learn more about the skills they can develop and the projects they will complete in this pathway. 

Course Major Requirement or Option for:
BIOL 2110 , BIOL 2110L   Biological Sciences (AS), Computer Science (AS), Physical Sciences (AS), Pre-Forestry (AS)
CHEM 1215 , CHEM 1215L   Biological Sciences (AS), Computer Science (AS), Engineering Machining Technologies (AAS), General Engineering and Engineering Technology (AS), Physical Sciences (AS), Pre-Forestry (AS)
CHEM 1225 , CHEM 1225L   Biological Sciences (AS), Computer Science (AS), Physical Sciences (AS)
ECON 2110  or ECON 2120   General Engineering and Engineering Technology (AS), other degrees as General Education
ELEC 111   Engineering Technologies (AAS), Computer and Information Technology (AAS)
ENGR 111   General Engineering and Engineering Technology (AS), Engineering Technologies (AAS), Engineering Machining Technologies (AAS)
ENGR 121   General Engineering and Engineering Technology (AS), Engineering Technologies (AAS), Engineering Machining Technologies (AAS)
ENVR 113   Computer and Information Technology (AAS), Engineering Technologies (AAS)
GEOL 1110 , GEOL 1110L   Pre-Forestry (AS), Physical Sciences (AS)
ISCS 114   Computer and Information Technology (AAS)
ISCS 120   Computer Science (AS), Computer and Information Technology (AAS)
ISCS 113   Computer and Information Technology (AAS)
ISCS 125   Computer Science (AS), Computer and Information Technology (AAS)
ISCS 116  or ISCS 117   Computer and Information Technology (AAS)
MATT 113 , MATT 114 , MATT 115   Engineering Technologies (AAS), Engineering Machining Technology (AAS)
PHYS 1230 , PHYS 1230L   Biological Sciences (AS), Engineering Machining Technology (AAS), Engineering Technology (AAS)
SUST 1130   Computer and Information Technology (AAS), Engineering Technologies (AAS)


The First Semesters
Students who are undecided but interested in the degrees in this pathway can follow the plan below for their first semester or two. As soon as students choose a specific major, they should meet with their advisor and start following the program map for their specific degree or certificate plan.  

Semester 1

Course Credits
ENGL 1110 or prerequisite course 3-4
MATH 1220, 1250, 1430, 1510 or prerequisite course 1-5
Social/Behavioral Science, Humanities, or Creative and Fine Art 3
Exploratory Course 2-8
Total 11-19

Semester 2  

Course Credits
ENGL 1110, 1120, or 2210 or COMM 1130, 2120, 2140 or prerequisite course 4
MATH 1220, 1250/150L, 1430, 1510 or prerequisite course 4
Laboratory Science 4
Exploratory course 1-4
Exploratory Course 1-4
Total 11-19

Teacher Education

This pathway is for students who are interested in becoming the educators and future leaders of tomorrow. Students will learn the historical, theoretical, philosophical, and social foundations of education while developing critical self-reflection skills. Through the application of personal experience to research-based practices, students will develop into culturally and linguistically competent educators and leaders eager to foster change.

This pathway leads to these Associate of Arts degrees:

The pathway also includes these certificates:

Math and Communication Requirements
All degrees in this pathway require MATH 111 Math for Elementary School Teachers I, MATH 112 Math for Elementary School Teachers II, and/or MATH 1220 College Algebra. MATH 1215 Intermediate Algebra is a prerequisite for these courses. Students should plan their courses to complete math requirements in a timely manner.

There are no specialized communications requirements for this pathway.

Exploratory Courses
Students can take courses from the list below to learn more about the skills they can develop and the projects they will complete in this pathway. 

Course Major Requirement or Option for:
ECED 1110   Early Childhood Education (AA), Early Childhood Teacher Certification (Cert.), Early Childhood Development (Cert.), Infant Family Studies (Cert.),Teacher Education (AA)
ECED 1130   Early Childhood Education (AA), Early Childhood Development (Cert.), Teacher Education (AA)
ECED 2110   Early Childhood Education (AA), Teacher Education (AA)
EDUC 2105   Elementary Education Teacher Certification, Secondary Education Teacher Certification, Special Education Teacher Certification
EDUC 2350   Elementary Education Teacher Certification, Secondary Education Teacher Certification, Special Education Teacher Certification
EDUC 2620   Bilingual Education Endorsement Certificate, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Teacher Endorsement
PSYC 1110 * Early Childhood Education (AA), Teacher Education (AA)


The First Semesters
Students who are undecided but interested in the degrees in this pathway can follow the plan below for their first semester or two. As soon as students choose a specific major, they should meet with their advisor and start following the program map for their specific degree or certificate plan.  

Semester 1

Course Credits
ENGL 1110 or prerequisite course 3-4
MATH 111, 112, 1220 or prerequisite course 3-4
Humanities 1-3
Exploratory course 2-3
Health and Wellness 1
Total 10-15

Semester 2  

Course Credits
ENGL 1110, 1120, or prerequisite course 3-4
MATH 111, 112, 1220 or prerequisite course 3-4
Laboratory Science 4
Social/Behavioral Science 3
Exploratory Course 3
Total 16-18


Trades and Sustainability

This pathway is for students who enjoy creative problem solving and understanding how things work. Students interested in this pathway like to build things with their hands, fix things, work outside, or are interested in creating sustainable solutions for the environment. Students will get hands-on experience and gain specialized skills training to prepare for jobs in welding, controlled environment agriculture, sustainable technologies, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and automotive technologies.

This pathway leads to these Associate of Applied Science degrees:

The pathway also includes these certificates:


Math and Communication Requirements

Math requirements for all degrees in this pathway are fulfilled by MATH 1130 or a higher numbered MATH course.

ENGL 1210 Technical Communications is accepted in all degrees in this pathway.

Exploratory Courses
Students can take courses from the list below to learn more about the skills they can develop and the projects they will complete in this pathway. 

Course Major Requirement or Option for:
ELEC 111   Biofuels (Cert), Controlled Environment Agriculture (AAS, Cert), Sustainable Technologies (Cert)
ENTR 1110   Biofuels (Cert), Controlled Environment Agriculture (AAS, Cert), Sustainable Technologies (Cert)
FACT 113   Building Science and Construction Tech (Cert, AAS), Facility Technologies (Cert), Green Building Construction Skills (Cert), Green Building Systems (Cert), Algae Cultivation (Cert), HVAC (Cert), Plumbing (Cert), Welding (AAS, Cert)
SOLR 111   Controlled Environment Agriculture (AAS, Cert), Sustainable Technologies (AAS)
SUST 1130   Algae Cultivation (Cert), Biofuels (Cert), Controlled Environment Agriculture (AAS, Cert), Green Building Systems (Cert), Sustainable Technologies (AAS, Cert)
SUST 1134   Controlled Environment Agriculture (AAS, Cert), Green Building Systems (Cert), Sustainable Technologies (Cert)
WATR 160   Algae Cultivation (Cert), Controlled Environment Agriculture (AAS, Cert), Water Treatment Operation (Cert), Sustainable Technologies (AAS)


The First Semesters
Students who are undecided but interested in the degrees in this pathway can follow the plan below for their first semester or two. As soon as students choose a specific major, they should meet with their advisor and start following the program map for their specific degree or certificate plan.  


Semester 1

Course Credits
BLDG 111 3
BLDG 115 3
ENGL 1110 or prerequisite course 3-4
Exploratory Course 2-4
Health and Wellness 1-3
Total 12-17

Semester 2  

Course Credits
MATH 104L (if needed) 1
ENGL 1120, 1210, 2210, or COMM 3
Exploratory Course 3-4
Exploratory Course 3-4
Laboratory Science or Exploratory Course 3-4
Total 13-16