Feb 16, 2025  
SFCC Catalog 2024-2025 
SFCC Catalog 2024-2025


Open Admissions Welcomes Students

SFCC maintains an open-admissions policy to encourage community members to pursue a certificate or degree and to maximize the opportunities for them to participate in the college’s programs, services, and activities (Policy 2-20: Admission to Santa Fe Community College). Anyone may be enrolled in the college’s credit programs, though some restrictions based on age may apply to specific courses or certain facilities that require designated levels of physical maturity. Also, some courses carry prerequisites that must be completed successfully before a student may enroll in a course. The college does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion or creed, national origin or ancestry, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, serious medical condition, spousal affiliation, veteran status, pregnancy, genetic information, citizenship, or any other basis prohibited by law. 

Application for Admission 

All prospective students who seek admission to SFCC must submit an official application. Students can complete the application online and print it or request one at 505-428-1270 or enrollment-admissions@sfcc.edu, or visit the Welcome and Advising Center, Room 201, 6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87508.

Enrollment Status

A student’s enrollment status is determined by their primary objective in taking courses. Enrollment in certain courses and programs is limited by available physical facilities, clinical spaces, student/faculty ratio, an applicant’s academic preparation (completion of prerequisites), age, and other factors. Certain programs have competitive entrance requirements and selective admission criteria.

Nondegree Status

Nondegree status is granted to applicants who wish to take courses for their own purposes without intending to seek a degree or certificate. SFCC students who enter the college in nondegree status may subsequently declare degree status and apply appropriate credits earned toward the selected degree or certificate program. Please note that nondegree status does not satisfy eligibility requirements for scholarships, financial aid, veterans educational benefits, or other assistance programs.

Degree Status

Degree status is granted to students who have declared an intention to pursue a particular degree or certificate by following a prescribed program and sequence of study. In addition, students who wish to transfer credits from another college or colleges must request that official transcripts be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office (Policy 2-20: Admission to Santa Fe Community College). SFCC accepts college transcripts directly from students only in sealed envelopes marked “Official Transcript.” The Registrar’s Office determines which courses qualify for transfer to SFCC. Deans, Directors, and/or faculty chairs evaluate transcripts by appointment and determine which courses will apply to SFCC degrees.  

Declaring a Major

Students may declare a major upon completing the admissions application. If a change of major or change to degree status is requested, students must fill out a Declaration of Major form. The forms are available online and in the Welcome and Advising Center, Room 201.
The catalog that is in effect on the date that a student declares their major determines which degree or certificate requirements apply. The student must either complete those requirements within five years of the date of declaration or elect to meet the requirements of any subsequent catalog published during the five-year period. Such an election must be made when the student files a petition to graduate. If more than five years have passed since the date of declaration, the student must re-declare a major under the current catalog. If the college discontinues a degree or certificate program in which a student has declared a major, every attempt will be made to redirect those credits toward alternative degrees.

Special Admission Requirements

High School Students Seeking Dual Credit

The Dual Credit Program provides advanced learning opportunities to motivated high school students who are ready for college-level work. Courses are offered on the SFCC campus, on site at the high schools, or through distance learning. Students who would like to enroll for dual credit must meet with their high school counselor to determine the appropriate courses. Students intending to register for courses with prerequisites must take SFCC’s placement test(s) or submit other approved test results to establish that prerequisites have been met. Dual credit enrollment requires parent/guardian approval as well as that of a high school representative. Dual credit students must abide by SFCC’s course requirements and Policy 2-1 Student Code of Conduct. Tuition for dual credit courses is waived by the college and textbook and course-specific material costs are paid for by the high school and/or school district. Students are responsible for course-specific fees. For more information, contact your high school counselor or the Dual Credit Office at 505-428-1002 or 505-428-1779 or visit www.sfcc.edu/offices/dual-credit.

International Student Applicants

SFCC is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students. Legal residents are not classified as international students. Refer to the open admission statement above. An international student with a non-immigrant visa seeking an F-1 visa must apply for admission on a full-time, degree-seeking basis and must provide the following (Policy 2-7 Admission of International Students):
  1. International Application
    To avoid delays, complete all sections of the application form. If you plan to bring a spouse and/or children with you, the spelling of their names and their birth dates must be the same as shown in their passports. This application is available at www.sfcc.edu/registration/international_students (a paper application is required).
  2. Official School Records
    First-time college students must provide an official high school transcript. Applicants who have attended a university must provide foreign and U.S. academic records/transcripts sent directly by the schools. Documents submitted in any other form will not be considered “official” and may delay your application processing. Acceptable official translations include those certified by your country’s Ministry of Education, the educational section of a U.S. Embassy or a professional translator.
  3. Official TOEFL Scores (ETS Code: 4816)
    International applicants must submit scores from the Testing of English as a Foreign Language examination. These scores are to be sent directly from the testing services to the Welcome and Advising Center. The minimum acceptable TOEFL iBT total score is 66. This test is not required of students from countries where English is the native language. However, you will be required to submit ACT or SAT scores demonstrating college readiness as indicated: 19 (ACT) on both English and Reading sections, or 450 (SAT) on the Critical Reading section. You will need to have official score reports sent directly from the testing agency to the International Student Advisor. Transfer students who have successfully completed two college-level English Composition courses with a C (2.0) or higher grade at a U.S. school and ESL center students who have successfully completed a test of English as a Foreign Language are exempt from having to provide a TOEFL score.
  4. Proof of Financial Ability
    A recent (six months or less) financial statement regarding the resources provided for the student while the student is in the United States must be submitted. Each student must be able to meet all financial obligations while attending SFCC. (Note: there is no housing available on campus.) You are required to present a statement from your bank on official bank letterhead as proof of available funds in the amount of at least $24,000 in U.S. dollars. This is an estimated amount based on expected tuition and living expenses for a 24-month period. (If an extension is requested, documentation of required funds must be resubmitted). Listed costs will increase with each dependent added to your I-20. Tuition and fee charges for international students on F-1 visas are the same as for non-resident students. Applicants who are sponsored by a government agency or private company must submit verifying documentation. Download the financial form at www.sfcc.edu/registration/international_students.
  5. A Letter of Intent
    A Letter of Intent written in your handwriting is required in which you state your intended program of study, educational goal and how the program selected will fulfill that goal.
  6. Transfer Students
    If you are transferring from a U.S. university and wish to have credits transferred, an official transcript must be sent directly from the university. A letter from your designated student advisor indicating permission to transfer, a copy of your I-20 issued from the attending university, and a transfer release on SEVIS must also be provided. Additional information and the transfer form are available online.
  7. SEVIS Fee
    As of September 1, 2004, all international students and exchange visitors entering the United States are subject to a congressionally mandated fee with Form 1-20. All applicants must pay the SEVIS fee before going to the U.S. embassy or consulate for their visa review. You can pay the fee and complete form I-901 at www.FMJfee.com, or through the mail.
  8. Student Health Insurance
    All international students attending SFCC are required to have health insurance. Hospital care and all medical care in general are expensive; without insurance you will be held responsible for all costs. Proof of insurance will need to be provided at the time of your arrival.
  9. International Transfer Students
    Applicants under disciplinary suspension from another institution will not be considered for admission during the period of suspension. Applicants on academic probation will be admitted on probationary status.

Students who conceal prior attendance at other institutions or who falsify information will be subject to immediate suspension.

NOTE: All forms and required documents must be sent directly to: SFCC, International Advisor, 6401 Richards Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87508.

In order to provide sufficient time to process the paperwork and issue an I-20 form, submit all of the above documents by the following deadlines:

2023-2024 Academic Year
Semester Deadline
Summer 2023 Not Applicable
Fall 2023 June 1, 2023
Spring 2024 November 1, 2023

After receiving the I-20 form, the student must obtain a student visa from the appropriate authority.

All international students with F-1 visas are required to be full-time, degree-seeking students. No financial aid monies and very limited scholarships are available for international students at this time, and there is no housing available through the college. However, SFCC Foundation and the Mexican Consulate have partnered to offer the IME-BECA Scholarship for students who are Mexican nationals or of Mexican origin. 

Final admission status is granted when the student has met all admission criteria.

International visitors with visas other than F-1 students who wish to enroll are restricted from enrolling in a full course of study. However, students may enroll in up to four credit hours of casual, short-term courses that are not the primary purpose of their presence in the U.S.

Readmission to SFCC

A new admission information form is required if the student has been absent from SFCC for six semesters or more, or if the student has attended any other college or university while absent from SFCC. An applicant who has attended other colleges will be processed as a transfer student.

Admission Appeals

The college’s admission policies may not be appealed. They must be administered without exception. The only basis for an appeal of the college’s admission decision is if an admissions policy was not followed or was not properly administered (Policy 2-5 Admission of Secondary-School Students, Policy 2-7 Admission of International Students, Policy 2-20 Admission to Santa Fe Community College), in which case this is the process:

  1. The applicant submits a written appeal to the Welcome and Advising Center Manager, who refers the matter to an appeals committee.
  2. If the appeals committee denies the appeal, the applicant may then appeal directly to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or designee, who makes the final decision. The senior officer or designee may choose to hold an administrative hearing on the matter or make the decision without such a hearing.

Transfer Students

Students who transfer from other colleges or universities and wish to complete a degree or certificate at SFCC must request that each institution they attended send official transcripts in a sealed envelope marked “Official Transcripts” to the Registrar’s Office, Santa Fe Community College, 6401 Richards Avenue, Santa Fe, NM 87508 (Policy 2-20 Admission to Santa Fe Community College). Electronic transcripts from previous institutions may be sent by the school to records@sfcc.edu. Transfer students are treated as first-time students for satisfactory academic progress. Transcript request forms are available in the Registrar’s Office, the Welcome and Advising Center or at www.sfcc.edu/get-grades/transcripts.

Applicants under disciplinary suspension from another institution will not be considered for admission during the period of suspension. Applicants on academic probation will be admitted on probationary status.

Students who conceal prior attendance at other institutions or who falsify information will be subject to immediate suspension.