Mar 31, 2025  
SFCC Catalog 2021-2022 
SFCC Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar reflects major dates and events in the college community. Deadlines for all student record transactions are specified for regular 16-week semester courses (8-week semester courses in the summer). Deadlines for alternative calendar courses (late-starting, online, self-paced and short-term courses) are posted in the schedule of credit classes and available in the Registrar’s Office.

Summer 2021

Priority Registration Mon., June 1
  New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico, have earned more than 30 credit hours and have declared a degree)
Registration begins - open to all students Tues., June 2

Payment or payment arrangements are due by 5 p.m. on the first day of the Summer Semester, Monday, June 7, 2021

Memorial Day - college closed Mon., May 31
Last day to petition to graduate summer 2021 Fri., June 25
Independence Day Observed - college closed Mon., July 5

Eight-Week Session

Credit classes begin Mon., June 7
Schedule changes (drop/add) Mon.-Tues., June 7-8
Last day to drop without a grade and obtain a refund Fri., June 18
Last day to change audit/credit status Fri., July 16
Last day to withdraw from class(es)  Fri., July 16
Final examinations Mon.-Sat., July 26- 31
Session ends Sat., July 31
Final grades due to Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m. Mon., Aug. 2

First Four-Week Session

Credit classes begin Mon., June 7
Schedule changes (drop/add) Mon.-Tues., June 7-8
Last day to drop without a grade and obtain a refund Wed., June 9
Last day to change audit/credit status Fri., June 18
Last day to withdraw from class(es) Fri., June 18
Final examinations Mon.-Thurs., June 28-July 3
Session ends Sat., July, 3
Final grades due to Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m. Tues., July 6

Second Four-Week Session

Credit classes begin Tues., July 6
Schedule changes (drop/add) Mon.-Tues., July 6-7
Independence Day Observed - college closed Mon., July 5
Last day to drop without a grade and obtain a refund Wed., July 7
Last day to change audit/credit status Fri., July 16
Last day to withdraw from class(es) Fri., July 16
Final examinations Mon.-Sat., July, 26-31
Session ends Sat., July 31
Final grades due to Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m. Mon., Aug. 2

Registration and payment options are available at 24/7, including weekends and holidays.

Fall 2021

Priority Registration Tues., June 1

New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico, have earned more than 30 credit hours and have declared a degree)


Registration begins - open to all students Wed., June 2

Payment arrangements are due by 5 p.m. on the first day of the Fall Semester, Monday, August 23, 2020.

Full-time faculty return (limited services available 8 to 10 a.m.) Thurs., Aug. 12
Convocation (services available beginning at 10 a.m. Thurs., Aug. 12
Classes begin Mon., Aug. 23
Schedule changes (drop/add for 16-week courses) Mon.-Tues., Aug. 23-24
Petition for residency for tuition purposes  Fri., Sept. 3
Last Day to drop first 8-week course(s) without a grade and obtain a refund Fri., Sept. 3
Labor Day - college closed (Saturday classes are in session) Mon., Sept. 6
Last day to drop without a grade and obtain a refund (16-week courses) Fri., Sept. 10
Last day to change audit/credit status (16-week courses) Fri., Oct. 15
Midterm examinations Mon.-Sat., Oct. 11-16
Midterm grades due to Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m. Mon., Oct. 18
Second 8-week courses begin Mon., Oct. 18
Last day to register for second 8-week courses Tues., Oct. 19
Employee Development Day (no services available - college closed) Fri., Oct. 22
Last day to withdraw from class(es) (16-week courses) Fri., Oct. 29
Last day to drop second 8-week courses without a grade and obtain a refund Fri., Oct. 29
Last day to submit a Petition to Graduate for Fall 2021  Fri., Nov. 5
Spring 2022 Priority Registration 
New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico, have earned more than 30 credit hours taken at SFCC and have declared a degree)
Mon., Nov. 8
Spring 2022 Registration for NM residents begins
New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico)
Tues., Nov. 9
Thanksgiving Break - college closed Wedn.,-Sun., Nov. 24-28
Final examinations Mon.-Sat., Dec. 6-11
Commencement Rehearsal at 3:30 p.m. - Fitness Education Center (graduates are strongly encouraged to attend) - Tentative Thur., Dec 9
Semester ends Sat., Dec. 11
Fall Commencement - 3 p.m. (Tentative) Sat., Dec. 11
Final grades due to Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m. Mon., Dec. 13
Winter Break - college closed Mon., Dec. 20-Sun., Jan. 2
SFCC opens Mon., Jan. 3

Spring 2022

Priority Registration  Mon., Nov. 8
  New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico, have earned more than 30 credit hours and have declared a degree)
Registration begins Tues., Nov. 9

New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico)

Payment arrangements are due by 5 p.m. on the first day of the Spring Semester Tues., Jan. 19
Full-time faculty return (limited services available 8 to 10 a.m.) Thurs., Jan. 6
Spring Convocation for faculty and staff (services available beginning at 10 a.m.)  Thurs., Jan. 6
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - college closed  Mon., Jan. 17
Credit classes begin Tues., Jan. 18
Schedule changes (drop/add) Tues.-Wed., Jan. 18-19
Last day to submit a petition for resident for tuition purposes Fri., Jan. 28
Last day to drop first 8-week course(s) without a grade and obtain a refund Fri., Jan. 28
Last day to submit a Petition to Graduate for Spring 2022 Fri., Feb. 4
Last day to drop without a grade and obtain a refund (16-week courses) Fri., Feb. 4
Professional Development - college closed (no services available) Fri., March 4
Last day to change audit/credit status (16-week courses) Fri., March 11
Midterm examinations Mon.-Sat., March 7-12
Midterm grades due to Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m. Mon., March 21
Spring Break (week nine of semester) - college closed Mon.-Sun., March 14-20
Second 8-week courses begin Mon., Mar. 21
Last day to register for second 8-week courses Mon., Mar. 21
Last day to drop for second 8-week course(s) without a grade and obtain a refund Fri., April 1
Last day to submit petition to graduate to walk in Commencement Ceremony Fri. April 1
Last day to withdraw from class(es) (16-week courses) Fri., April 1
Spring Holiday - college closed Fri.-Sun., April 15-17

Summer 2022 Priority Registration 
New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico, have earned more than 30 credit hours and have declared a degree)

Mon., April 11

Summer 2022 Registration for NM residents begins
New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico)

Tues., April 12

Fall 2022 Priority Registration
New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico, have earned more than 30 credit hours and have declared a degree)

Mon., April 18

Fall 2022 Registration for NM residents begins 
New Mexico residents (students who physically reside in New Mexico)

Tues., April 19
Final examinations Mon.-Sat., May 9-14
Commencement Rehearsal, 3:30 p.m., Fitness Education Center (graduates are strongly encouraged to attend) - Tentative Thur., May 12
Semester ends Sat., May 14
Commencement Sat., May 14
Final grades due to Registrar’s office by 5 p.m. Mon., May 16
Memorial Day - college closed Mon., May 30

Late registration into courses that have started is not permitted after the first week of the semester. This does not apply to courses that have not yet started - only courses that are already underway.

NOTE: The college academic calendar does not reflect transaction deadlines for alternate scheduled course offerings.