Mar 13, 2025  
SFCC Catalog 2023-2024 
SFCC Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Criminal Justice, A.A.S.

CIP: 43.00107
School of Business, Professional Studies and Education, 505-428-1689

This program prepares students for positions in the criminal justice field. The degree can be completed with a concentration in law enforcement supervision or crime scene investigation. Employment opportunities are provided by various law enforcement agencies and correctional institutions in New Mexico. Programs are articulated with the Law Enforcement Academy and the Corrections Academy.

NOTE: A.A.S. degrees are designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in specific occupations; they are not generally intended to transfer to four-year institutions. For more information on transfer, refer to the Transfer of Credit  section of this catalog, or speak with an academic adviser.

Students can earn the following certificate related to this degree:

Student can follow the Program Map(s) listed below to complete this program:

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • Discuss the major concepts, theories, empirical findings, patterns, types, and root causes of crime.
  • Use critical thinking and the scientific approach to solve problems in the criminal justice system.
  • Communicate with professionalism and clarity during victim or suspect interviews.
  • Communicate with professionalism and clarity when testifying from a written report in a court of law.
  • Apply investigative techniques and critical thinking skills to bring a case to its logical conclusion.
  • Interact and display professional and ethical behavior in diverse environments while communicating with law enforcement agencies, courts, attorneys, clients, witnesses and the public.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of crime and justice, policing, laws, Constitutional requirements, legally defined procedures, courts and corrections when applied to the diverse and multicultural nature of society.

General Education Requirements: (20 Credits)

Mathematics (3 Credits)

Laboratory Science (4 Credits)

Social/Behavioral Sciences (3 Credits)

Humanities (3- 4 Credits)

  • Any foreign language Credits: 4

Health and Wellness (1 Credit)

Related Requirements: (9 Credits Min.)

Choose from courses in Anthropology (ANTH), Criminal Justice (CJUS), Human Services (HUSV), Paralegal (LEGL), Psychology (PSYC) or Social Sciences (SOCI).

Total 60 Credits Min.